Church of God Restoration LETTERS



"Nothing we can do can change the past, but everything we do changes the future."


"From - Jake Knelsen"

Dear ones,
I have been reading your website. Many of my feelings are the same. I too left them. It was very difficult at first. JESUS CHRIST is my all. I have heard of Wellspring Retreat in my cult recovery studies, sounds like you got some good help there. Much could be said about the restoration movement that I had experience with. I pray that they will rediscover the gospel of grace.

A Pilgrim - March 01, 2007

I too want to add my encouragement to your mission. It will not be easy for either of you, and there will likely be moments of frustration, and defeat, but the end result will be souls helped. Go forward with the strength of God, and lean on his intelligence when posting articles, that he might give you words that can truly make a difference to those trying to get out, or those thinking of getting in. I am praying for you, and will add my observations and experiences on the site as God leads.

- Someone in Babylon

To all involve in your web-site, Don't give up, stay the course. Your web-site will have greater impact that you can ever imagine. People need the information you are posting - they need the TRUTH, and the TRUTH will set them free. There are many hurting sheep who need rescuing from the wolves. You may not realize immediate results, but as people discover your web-site, the Truths you share will be like a lighthouse shining the only beacon of hope capable of helping them navigate their way out of darkness.

To all who are participating in your web-site, and to the small group who shared testimonies on the linked thread; you each have a unique story to tell that no one else can. You have been there and seen for yourselves. For the sake of those who are trying to get out and for the sake of those who may be tempted to go where you all once were - DON'T BE SILENT!

You have questioned the potential effectiveness of sharing your stories. Speak the truth of your stories, but do it in Love and simply leave the rest up to God.

There is nothing greater and more powerful than the simple Truth spoken in Love. Resist the temptation to become "militant" and "forceful" as you articulate your testimonies as such approaches will quickly deflate your effectiveness. Jesus won the battle with love, not force. Do likewise and don't stoop to the tactics of those you are attempting to disarm. I don't know any of you - but I love each one of you.

-An anonymous bystander watching from a distant hill.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Thanks you all for getting that site going. It looks great! let me know if I can help. I like the keep the doctrine out part. That is their favorite method of trying to confuse and waste peoples time is through their never ending dogma.
- Annonymous

Wonderful start! You are truly courageous for taking the initiative to do this. I will definitely be checking the website for your updates. I've thought before about doing something like this,... Thank-you for doing what some of us can't.
- Janice

Thanks for forwarding this to me and God bless you and keep you as you undertake this important mission! It's amazing what people do in the name of God -- and it is scary because one day they will stand before Him and answer for it.
Many blessings on you and Jeff!


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